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  • Ukraine: The Difficult March to Victory

    The prevailing conviction in the West was that President Volodymyr Zelensky would be unable to manage the situation, and the world’s political establishment believed that he should be evacuated as…

  • The Role of Public Media in CE Is Very Unstable

    A global pandemic, the war in Ukraine, or rising inflation across Europe. More than ever, the crises of recent years have shown once again how important the role of a free media is in any healthy…

  • A Hungarian Pro-Moscow Course?

    Putin’s Russia is a model of governance, but not a geopolitical reference point for Hungary states Dariusz Kalłan. Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was reluctant to believe that Putin…

  • Bruno Maçães: Europe is Emerging as a Geopolitical Union

    interview The problems that Europe is facing are directly related to errors of national policy, particularly in Germany, yet the EU has been much bolder and more decisive than the average member state in this…

  • Another Landslide in Hungary – How to Account for Orbán’s Fourth Consecutive Supermajority

    Despite opposition forces running united against him, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has garnered more votes than ever in April’s election and clinched the fourth constitutional majority in a…

  • What’s Next for Russia?

    As the world watches Russia’s dreadful military performance in Ukraine and wonders whether Vladimir Putin can survive such a strategic disaster, three questions inevitably arise: Can Ukraine win? Can…

  • Xi Jinping Wants to Have Siberia for Dinner

    interview Karel Schwarzenberg believes that the West made a mistake at the Bucharest NATO Summit in April 2008, when it failed to extend the Alliance’s Membership Action Plan to Georgia and Ukraine. Here is…

  • A Virus Challenging Governments within the EU

    Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and his ruling government party Fidesz have secured comfortable leads in the last three general elections, most of the time ruling by a 2/3 supermajority. In…

  • Hyperdemocracy

    Is a rising tide of authoritarianism sweeping across the globe, or are we actually in a hyper-charged era of democracy? As people choose their governments – not just by voting but by moving into like…

  • To Counter Populists We Need a “People First” Kind of Liberalism


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