Review Central

Xi’s Credibility Gap

The centralization of power in Xi Jinping’s hands leaves China’s economy without experienced experts to manage policy. As everything must be decided personally by the president, delays and about-faces abound. Beijing needs to close a gap in its leadership’s credibility, which – together with its limited room for maneuver on the international stage – is hampering the country’s growth.

Future Tense

The Crisis of Narration Byung-Chul Han Polity Press, 2024 76 pages By Benjamin Cunningham

The Baltic Sea and Central Europe

Has the situation in the Baltic Sea changed after Sweden and Finland joined NATO? It probably has, if the head of Polish diplomacy says publicly that the Russian Baltic Fleet may meet the same sad fate as the Black Sea Fleet. Bartosz Wieliński

Will Putin Run Out of Money?

When Russia brutally attacked Ukraine in February 2022, the Western powers responded by imposing the broadest and, as it was then believed, the most effective sanctions on Moscow. In this article, Vladislav Inozemtsev analyzes the efficiency of these sanctions based on the results they produced over the last two years.

Central and Eastern Europe Have Never Been a Homogeneous Entity and Never Will Be

People have short memories and few remember what it was like to live behind the Iron Curtain. Things like visa-free travel, study abroad and harassment-free life are being taken for granted, says Paul Lendvai, an Austrian journalist originally from Hungary in an interview with Robert Schuster.

What’s the Future of Central Europe?

I am hopeful that there will not be a third world war, but I am pessimistic about Ukraine - says British historian Martyn Rady.

The Land that Came out of the Footnotes

Ukraine was recognized too late and at too high a price. And the account is still not final. Mykola Riabchuk

About Aspen Review

By publishing analyses, interviews and commentaries by world-renowned professionals as well as Central European journalists and scholars, the Aspen Review presents current issues to the general public in the Aspenian way by adopting unusual approaches and unique viewpoints.

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