Europe after Brexit: a new start or a dead end?

5. 9. 2016

Aspen Institute Italia organized a debate titled "Europe after Brexit: a new start or a dead end?“ on July 7-8, 2016 in Rome. Ivan Hodač, President of the Aspen Institute Prague, participated in this important meeting.

Among other participants were Giuliano Amato, former PM of Italy, Emma Bonino, former Minister and EU Commissioner, Enzo Moavero Milanesi, former Minister and High EU official and presidents of the Aspen Institute's Eurpean branches. EU academic, business and government representatives took part in the meeting as well.

Issues such as danger of the domino effect following the Brexit vote, need to rebuild a trust between the EU and European citizens, the global implication and consequences of Brexit for the UK and the EU, or the need to rediscuss a common defense and security policy for Europe were tackled during the debate. A substantial part of the discussion was concentrating on the question of the article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. Most participants agreed that the result of the referendum is irreversible, at least in the near future. Many agreed that whilst Brexit is posing a threat to the very existence of the EU, it is also an opportunity to redefine the way forward in particular for the 27 Member States.

The economic consequences were discussed and the key interests and possible trade-offs analyzed by the participants. The need to making the Euro work is in the interest of European citizens.

"The European Aspen institutes have an important contribution to make to the post Brexit debate and the definition of the way forward for the EU. We especially need to make a good use of the newly established Aspen Initiative for Europe," said Ivan Hodač.

In conclusion, the participants agreed that that the next debate on this important issue will take place at the beginning of October in Bucharest.