Daniel Koštoval is a security and defense analyst and consultant. Since 1996, he has held several executive positions, e.g., the position of Director of the Security Policy Department and the Department for Northern and Eastern Europe, or of the Director General for Non-European Countries at the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Between 1998 and 2002, he served at the Czech Permanent Delegation to NATO, and, subsequently, at the Czech Embassy in Moscow (2003–2006) and the Czech Embassy in Washington, D.C. (2009–2001) – between 2010 and 2011 holding the position of the Chargé d’Affaires Ad Interim. In 2013, Daniel was appointed the First Deputy Minister of Defense and, afterwards, the Deputy Minister of Defense for Strategies, Foreign Relations and Planning, and the Deputy Minister for Armaments and Acquisitions, which was a position he held until the end of 2018. Daniel Koštoval currently serves as the Chairman of the Steering Committee of the European Defense Agency and is a member of the Czech Euroatlantic Council. Since 2021, he is also a Senior Fellow at the Prague Center for Transatlantic Relations.

Last edited in December, 2022

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