Filip Šváb

Filip Svab is responsible for supporting AT&T’s international external and regulatory affairs team in Central and Eastern Europe and Ukraine. His main task is to advocate AT&T/WM/HBO positions towards governments, public administration and regulators in this region.

Prior to joining AT&T in 2009, Mr. Svab had been a diplomat for more than 6 years at the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic in Brussels where he was responsible for telecommunications, ICT, Galileo and postal services. During the Czech Presidency in the first half of 2009, he was chairman of the Council’s telecom group and he actively participated in the negotiations with the European Commission and European Parliament on the reform of Europe’s telecom regulatory framework. In the past he held important positions in the Czech administration (advisor to the Minister of Defense, advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Parliamentary Assistant, Head of the office of the Minister of Informatics).

He is member of the Board of Directors of the Czech Electronic Communications Association, member of the Board of Directors of Junior Achievement and Chairman of AmCham Digital Agenda committee in Slovakia. After graduating from Prague’s Charles University Law Faculty in 2001, he studied at ENA (Ecole National d ’Administration / Promotion Léopold Sédar Senghor) in France.

Last edited in November 2021.