Jana Vohralíková
Jana Vohralíková is a civil engineer by profession. After graduating from the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU), she worked for five years as a structural engineer at the Institute of Design and Development of CTU. A long maternity leave followed, during which she rounded off her career as a civil engineer with the design and construction of the Church of Divine Love in Budislav. Over the following years, Jana held various managerial positions in the non-profit sector, public administration, business and academia. Currently, she is the Secretary General of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. The experience she has gained in various spheres of society has led Jana to the conviction that a truly healthy society must stand on three equally strong legs: the state administration, the business sector and the non-profit sector. It is the state administration that has always had and will always have the leading role and responsibility. From this perspective, our state administration has still a lot of catching up to do.
Last edited in December, 2022