Jitka Schmiedová
Jitka is HR Project Manager at Erste Bank/Česká spořitena a.s. Previously, she was the Vicepresident of People and Property at Vodafone Czech Republic. Jitka has been working in the Human Resources area on the full time basis since 1998. Before re-joining Česká spořitelna (Erste Bank), the biggest bank in the Czech republic as Human Resources Director, she worked in Norsk Hydro ASA, Praha, in Mitsubishi Electric Automotive Czech, s.r.o., Slaný and in Accenture mostly as Human Resources Manager (HRM). In the years 2004-2005 she worked as Head of the Human Resources Department of the General Health Insurance Company of the Czech Republic. In her various HR roles she was a partner for the company top managements also in the crisis periods. Jitka attended a number of professional skills training courses world-wide such as Total Quality Marketing, Business Processes Re-Engineering and Re-Design, Human Resources Management, Human Resources Management in Automotive Industry or Psychology at the Charles University in Prague.