Tamara Bobáková

Aspen is for me the possibility to meet people, who think in a similar, or absolute different way, than me.

Tamara Bobáková coordinates Character Development at LEAF Academy, bringing to life values-based leadership and self-discovery in a new boarding high school. Previously, she worked with Simon-Kucher & Partners, a pricing and strategy consultancy. As a freelancer, she still advises companies and start-ups on pricing and value creation issues. She is also on the Board of IDEA, International Debate Education Association, with a mission to develop debate, critical thinking, and tolerance in youth. As a repatriated expat, she knows how it feels to get a culture shock when returning home, which is also why she started a community of Slovak Professionals Back Home in Bratislava. She holds a bachelor’s from the University of Pennsylvania, and master’s in International Relations & Public Management from Sciences-Po Paris and the London School of Economics.

Last edited in March, 2016.

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