

  • 14Nov

    Aspen Annual Conference 2024

    The main topic of this year’s conference will be Trust in New Technologies: Values & Ethics in the AI Era.

  • 14Nov

    Aspen Annual Conference 2024

    Hlavním tématem letošní konference bude Důvěra v nové technologie: Hodnoty & etika v době AI.

Past Events 2024

  • 17Sep

    FutureEdu: Leadership for the Future of Education

    The prestigious international conference FutureEdu 2024 will reveal the future of connecting education and leadership.

  • 17Jul

    Meltingpot & Aspen Young Leaders!

    Meet us at Colours of Ostrava and apply for Aspen Young Leaders Program scholarship!

  • 27May

    Společnost 4.0: Budoucnost zdraví

    Další debata z cyklu Společnost 4.0, který se zabývá klíčovými otázkami moderní doby v kontextu vlivu moderních technologií a inovací – tentokrát na téma zdraví.

  • 13May


    During the event you will have the opportunity to debate with representatives of the Permanent Delegation of the Czech Republic to NATO and watch a live stream with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

  • 30Apr

    Demokracie v digitálním věku: Umělá inteligence a integrita voleb

  • 01Feb

    Call for Applications: Aspen Young Leaders Program 2024 Summer

    Leadership Program

  • 15Jan

    Společnost 4.0: Geopolitické výzvy 21. století

    Debata z cyklu Společnost 4.0, který se zabývá klíčovými otázkami moderní doby v kontextu vlivu moderních technologií a inovací.

Past Events 2023

  • 16Nov

    Aspen Annual Conference 2023

    Aspen Annual Conference 2023. Hlavní téma: Hodnoty: Nový trend digitálního věku?

  • 16Nov

    Aspen Annual Conference 2023

    The Aspen Annual Conference 2023. The main topic of this year’s conference will be: Values: A New Trend of the Digital Era?

  • 12Oct

    Aspen Young Leaders Program 2023

    Leadership Program

  • 26Sep

    Information Integrity in the AI Era: (Central) European Perspective

    A unique half day gathering that aims to foster a deeper understanding of the role AI plays in modern journalism and its implications on information integrity.

  • 25Sep

    Ředitelé škol a zřizovatelé: Co se daří v Ústeckém kraji?

    Aspen Institute Central Europe a Učitel naživo si Vás dovolují pozvat na konferenci zaměřenou na správné nastavení vztahů mezi ředitelem a zřizovatelem.

  • 19Sep

    FutureEdu: Budoucnost vzdělávání v nových formách

    Odborná konference, která si klade za cíl přispět k definici vize českého vzdělávacího systému.

  • 11May

    Společnost 4.0: Umělá inteligence a my

    Zveme Vás na debatu z cyklu Společnost 4.0, který se zabývá klíčovými otázkami moderní doby. Tentokrát se zaměříme na téma Umělá inteligence.

  • 20Apr

    Ředitelé škol a zřizovatelé: Jak spolupracují na Vysočině?

    Aspen Institute Central Europe a Učitel naživo si Vás dovolují pozvat na konferenci zaměřenou na správné nastavení vztahů mezi ředitelem a zřizovatelem.

  • 28Mar

    Ředitelé škol a zřizovatelé: Jaká je praxe v Jihomoravském kraji?

    Zveme Vás na další ze série debat, kterou organizujeme ve spolupráci s Učitelem naživo. Debaty jsou zaměřeny na správné fungování a nastavení vztahů mezi ředitelem a zřizovatelem.

  • 23Mar

    Aspen Young Leaders Program

    13. ročník programu pro mladé lídry ze střední Evropy. / 13th edition of the program for young leaders from Central Europe.

Past Events 2022

  • 09Dec

    Leadership in Action

    Join a unique event with former foreign ministers from around the world that will focus on leadership during challenging times and the current state of world affairs.

  • 09Dec

    Leadership in action

    Připojte se k jedinečné akci s bývalými ministry zahraničí z celého světa, kteří se zaměří na otázky hodnotového leadershipu v náročných časech.

  • 30Nov

    Kam kráčíš, Česko/Evropo 2022

    Výroční konference Aspen Institute Central Europe 2022. Hlavní téma letošní konference: ROLE HODNOT V BOUŘLIVÉ DOBĚ

  • 30Nov

    The Shape of (Central) Europe 2022

    The Aspen Annual Conference 2022. The main topic of this year’s conference will be THE ROLE OF VALUES IN TURBULENT TIMES.

  • 16Nov

    Společnost 4.0: Quo vadis, demokracie?

    Veřejná debata na téma demokracie a její základní principy.

  • 16Nov

    Quo vadis, demokracie?

    Zveme Vás na debatu z cyklu Společnost 4.0, který se zabývá klíčovými otázkami moderní doby. Tentokrát se zaměříme na téma demokracie a její základní principy.

  • 08Nov

    The Future of a Free Press in Central and Eastern Europe

    by Aspen Institute Central Europe & Aspen Digital

  • 14Sep

    FutureEdu: Budoucnost vzdělávání v digitální době

    Odborná konference, která si klade za cíl přispět k definici vize českého vzdělávacího systému

  • 20Jul

    Ukraine-EU: Closer Look

    Series of panel discussions #UkrainianDialogue about the Ukrainian Defense against Russian aggression

  • 30May

    Jak na komunikaci ve školství?

    Dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na panelovou diskusi, která se uskuteční v rámci Konferenčního bloku Děti bez hranic¿ na 62. ročníku Zlínského filmového festivalu.

  • 24May

    Společnost 4.0: Budoucnost Zelené dohody pro Evropu

    Veřejná debata na téma Green Deal a formování jeho aktualizované celoevropské strategie.

  • 09May

    Ukraine’s Defense of Freedom: a conversation with our partner Aspen Institute Kyiv

    Join us for the panel discussion: “Russia-Ukraine war: will it change the world?”

  • 28Apr

    Discussion with Jacques Rupnik: “The Visegrad Group, a Collateral Victim of the War in Ukraine?”

    A geopolitical conversation with Jacques Rupnik

  • 28Mar

    NATO’s Evolving Role in Global Stability

    Public outreach event discussing the NATO’s Strategic Concept.

  • 24Mar

    Aspen Young Leaders Program 2022

    Leadership Program

  • 08Feb

    Ředitelé ZŠ: Jak vybrat správného ředitele?

    Další ze série veřejných debat Ředitelé ZŠ se tentokrát zaměří na téma JAK VYBRAT SPRÁVNÉHO ŘEDITELE?

Past Events 2021

  • 02Dec

    Kam kráčíš, Česko/Evropo 2021

    Výroční konference Aspen Institute Central Europe 2021.

  • 02Dec

    The Shape of (Central) Europe 2021

    The Aspen Annual Conference will take place on December 2, 2021 from 9:00 am. The main topic of this year’s conference will be The Future of Civil Service.

  • 30Sep

    Moonshot by Aspen CE: Budoucnost digitalizace a AI

    Již třetí interaktivní konference, jejíž hlavní téma se tentokrát zaměří na Budoucnost digitalizace a AI. Ve dvou panelech společně s odborníky na digitalizaci a umělou inteligenci prodiskutujeme témata: Vliv digitalizace a AI na českou společnost a Digitalizaci českých firem.

  • 22Sep

    Růst české pozice v globální ekonomice

    Předvolební ekonomická debata zaměřená na otázky související se vztahem České republiky a zeměmi mimo EU.

  • 15Sep

    FutureEdu: Budoucnost vzdělávání v digitální době

  • 14Sep

    Ředitelé ZŠ: Klíčové postavy českého školství

    Panelová diskuze v rámci Zlín Film Festival na téma Zmapování potřeb ředitelů Zlínského kraje, která je také součástí debat ke konferenci Kam kráčíš Česko/Evropo 2021.

  • 09Sep

    Aspen Seminar for Young European Leaders

    A seminar which encourages fresh and innovative debate on the future of Europe.

  • 08Sep

    Ředitelé ZŠ: Co musí ředitelé umět?

    Třetí ze série veřejných debat, která se zaměří na profil ředitele ZŠ v 21. století. Debatu pořádáme ve spolupráci s NPI a Řízení školy.

  • 31Aug

    NextGen: The Future of Forming a Society in the Cloud

    An interdisciplinary debate discussing the topic of cloud societies.

  • 22Aug

    Aspen Young Leaders Program, August 2021

    Leadership Program – Hnanice, Czech Republic

  • 29Jun

    AI v Česku.
    Co s evropskou regulací?

    Třetí letošní virtuální debata na téma umělé inteligence, tentokrát zaměřená na regulaci AI odvětví.

  • 28Jun

    The EU on the Global Stage – Changing Relations with the U.S., China, and Russia?

    A public debate organized in cooperation with the Aspen Institute Germany.

  • 22Jun

    Moonshot by Aspen CE – Budoucnost státní správy

    Druhá ze tří online konferencí Moonshot by Aspen pořádaných ve spolupráci s Yemim A.D. a jeho týmem, tentokrát na téma Budoucnost státní správy.

  • 01Jun

    Ředitelé ZŠ: Jak se připravit na roli ředitele?

    Druhá ze série veřejných debat na téma pedagogického leadershipu pořádaná ve spolupráci s NPI a Řízení školy.

  • 28Apr

    Ředitelé ZŠ: kapitáni českého školství?

    Veřejná debata na téma pedagogického leadershipu pořádaná ve spolupráci s časopisem Řízení školy a NPI.

  • 21Apr

    AI v Česku.
    Kde na to vzít?

    Druhá letošní virtuální debata na téma umělé inteligence, tentokrát zaměřená na financování AI odvětví.

  • 23Mar

    Moonshot by Aspen CE – Budoucnost vzdělávání

    První ze tří online konferencí Moonshot by Aspen pořádaných ve spolupráci s Yemim A.D. a jeho týmem, tentokrát na téma Budoucnost vzdělávání.

  • 11Mar

    To Ban or Not To Ban? The EU Digital Future and Freedom of Speech as We Know It

    A virtual discussion about freedom of speech on social media platforms organized in cooperation with the Casimir Pulaski Foundation.

  • 27Jan

    AI v Česku.
    Lepší, než si myslíte!

    Virtuální debata na téma umělé inteligence (AI) pořádaná ve spolupráci s E15.

Past Events 2020

  • 09Dec

    Artificial Intelligence
    in the Czech Republic and Poland

    Presentation of an expert report on the use of AI in the Czech Republic and Poland commented by representatives of state administration and business from both countries.

  • 02Dec

    Anti-Panic Platform II. vlna

  • 19Nov

    Kam kráčíš, Česko 2020

    Výroční konference Aspen Institute Central Europe 2020.

  • 19Nov

    The Shape of (Central) Europe 2020

    The Aspen Annual Conference 2020.

  • 19Oct

    The Future of International Trade: Where do we go from here?

    An online debate regarding the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic on the global economy co-organized with the Institute for Politics and Society.

  • 15Oct

    Aspen Young Leaders Program 2020 (CANCELLED)

    Leadership Program – Tále, Slovakia

  • 15Sep

    Digitální kamarádi:
    mezilidské vztahy
    ve virtuální době

    Veřejná debata z cyklu Společnost 4.0.

  • 08Sep

    Strategie pro vzdělávání
    na regionální úrovni

    Panelová diskuse o budoucnosti vzdělávání ve Zlínském kraji jako součást debat ke konferenci
    Kam kráčíš, Česko 2020.

  • 03Sep

    Aspen Seminar for Young European Leaders

    A seminar which encourages fresh and innovative debate on the future of Europe.

  • 09Jun

    Anti-panic 3.0

    Aspen Institute CE je spolupořadatelem třetí virtuální debaty projektu platformy Anti-Panic™️.

  • 09Jun

    The Anti-panic
    Conference 3.0

    The Aspen Institute Central Europe is co-organizer of the third virtual debate of the Anti-panic platform.

  • 28May

    Digitální (ne)gramotnost českého vzdělávacího systému

    Třetí virtuální debata předcházejí výroční konferenci Kam kráčíš, Česko 2020 pořádaná ve spolupráci s mediálním domem Economia.

  • 14May

    Česko je najednou digitální. Jak zajistit jeho kyberbezpečnost?

    Druhá virtuální debata předcházejí výroční konferenci Kam kráčíš, Česko 2020 pořádaná ve spolupráci s mediálním domem Economia.

  • 07May

    Anti-panic 2.0

    Aspen Institute CE je spolupořadatelem druhé virtuální debaty projektu platformy Anti-Panic™️.

  • 07May

    The Anti-panic
    Conference 2.0

    The Aspen Institute Central Europe is co-organizer of the second virtual debate of the Anti-panic platform.

  • 29Apr

    Zvýší koronavirus odolnost české ekonomiky?

    První virtuální debata předcházejí výroční konferenci Kam kráčíš, Česko 2020 pořádaná ve spolupráci s mediálním domem Economia.

  • 11Mar

    Digitální kamarádi: mezilidské vztahy ve virtuální době – POSUNUTO!

    Veřejná debata z cyklu Společnost 4.0.

Past Events 2019

  • 27Nov

    Kam kráčíš, Česko? 2019

    Výroční konference Aspen Institute Central Europe 2019 v Pražské křižovatce.

  • 27Nov

    The Shape of (Central) Europe 2019

    The Aspen Annual Conference 2019 in the Prague Crossroads.

  • 22Oct

    Škola a společnost: hledání inspirace

    Veřejná regionální debata v Ostravě na téma vzdělávání, která předchází Výroční konferenci “Kam kráčíš Česko?” 2019.

  • 16Oct

    Mesto: jediná zastávka pre kvalitný život?

    Veřejná regionální debata v Košicích na téma kvality života v regionálním kontextu, která předjímá Výroční konferenci “Kam kráčíš Česko?” 2019.

  • 25Sep

    Digital Disinformation Workshop

  • 24Sep

    Digital (Dis)Information Overload

    A public debate on the role of new technologies in disinformation, manipulation, propaganda and deep fake, Prague.

  • 29Aug

    Aspen Young Leaders Program, August – September 2019

    Leadership Program – Ustroń, Poland.

  • 18Jun

    Společnost vs příroda

    Veřejná debata z cyklu Společnost 4.0.

  • 29May

    Budoucnost vzdělávání

    Panelová diskuse, která se uskuteční v rámci 59. ročníku Zlínského filmového festivalu pro děti a mládež.

  • 17May

    Video Bridge from Berlin CyberSecurityForum

    The second day of the event will be broadcasted thanks to a video bridge with a possibility to send in questions and comments.

  • 14May

    Policy Dialogue on Innovations

    Debate on the Dutch concept of the successful model on innovations, Prague.

  • 06May

    Prokletí periferií a exekucí

    Veřejná debata v Olomouci na téma Kvalita života z cyklu regionálních debat k Výroční konferenci.

  • 21Mar

    Aspen Young Leaders Program, March 2019

    Leadership Program – Tále, Slovakia.

  • 05Mar

    Informace a data
    v 21. století:
    Dobrý sluha, ale zlý pán?

    Veřejná debata z cyklu Společnost 4.0.

  • 22Jan

    Beyond Human. Trust in Machines and AI.

    A public debate on the opportunities and challenges provided by AI, organized in cooperation with Opero.

Past Events 2018

  • 22Nov

    Kam kráčíš, Česko? 2018

    Výroční konference Aspen Institute Central Europe 2018 v Pražské křižovatce.

  • 22Nov

    The Shape of (Central) Europe 2018

    The Aspen Annual Conference 2018 in the Prague Crossroads.

  • 06Nov

    Smart Strategies to Increase Prosperity and Limit Brain Drain in Central Europe

    Expert conference focused on Prosperity, Democracy and Brain Drain in Central Europe.

  • 22Oct

    The Face of Europe – Aspen Review Café

    The public debate of the Aspen Review Café series, organized on the occasion of the publication of the recent issue of Aspen Review Central Europe quarterly called “The Face of Europe”.

  • 18Oct

    Sto let tvůrců českého nábytku

    Veřejná debata z cyklu Art Match na téma historie, součastnost a budoucnost českého nábytku.

  • 10Oct

    Proč e-government kulhá za byznysem?

    Veřejná regionální debata v Brně na téma digitalizace státní správy, která předjímá Výroční konferenci 2018.

  • 26Sep

    Přijde práce za lidmi, nebo lidé za prací?

    Veřejná regionální debata v Zlíně na téma konkurenceschopnost regionů, která předjímá Výroční konferenci 2018.

  • 25Sep

    Generation Next –
    Europe’s Futures Conference

    An international conference on political and economic challenges of the EU, with special focus on Central and South East Europe.

  • 04Sep

    Pomůže nám vzdělávání obstát v konkurenci?

    Veřejná regionální debata v Ústí nad Labem na téma vzdělávání, která předjímá Výroční konferenci 2018.

  • 27Jun

    Aspen Review Café: Beyond Human

    Public debate, Budapest

  • 19Jun

    1918 – 2018
    What happened to Wilsonian Idealism?

    International Conference, Prague

  • 16May

    Společnost 4.0:
    Jak se připravit na dopady technologické revoluce

    Veřejná debata, Praha

  • 18Apr

    Strategies for Successful Cities:
    A Dutch Perspective; Bratislava

  • 17Apr

    Strategies for Successful Cities:
    A Dutch Perspective; Prague

  • 04Apr

    Aspen Review Café: Empowering Women

  • 15Mar

    Aspen Young Leaders Program 2018

    Tále, Slovakia

  • 09Mar

    Jiří Schneider: Vůdci nebo svůdci?

    Přednáška ve spolupráci s Mensa ČR, Brno

  • 23Jan

    Slovakia in the Digital Era

    Public Debate – Bratislava, Slovakia

Past Events 2017

  • 06Dec

    Art Match: Hodnota fotografie

    Public Debate – Prague, Czech Republic

  • 29Nov

    2017 Aspen Annual Conference

    Conference – Prague, Czech Republic

  • 24Nov

    Trust in Media debate at Forum Media

    Public Debate – Prague, Czech Republic

  • 23Nov

    Media as Business debate at Forum Media

    Debate – Prague, Czech Republic

  • 02Nov

    Europe and the Global World: The Future of (Free) Trade

    Debate on the development of European and global approach to free trade

  • 15Oct

    Aspen Young Leaders Program, October 2017

    Leadership Program – Tále, Slovakia

  • 09Oct

    Česko – Navždy bezpečné?

    Série debat ve spolupráci s Knihovnou Václava Havla a Týdeníkem Respekt

  • 05Oct

    Česko – Naše místo v Evropě

    Série debat ve spolupráci s Knihovnou Václava Havla a Týdeníkem Respekt

  • 04Oct

    Česko: Jak jsme na tom? 2017

    Conference – Prague, Czech Republic

  • 03Oct

    Česko – Pojďme volit!

    Série debat ve spolupráci s Knihovnou Václava Havla a Týdeníkem Respekt

  • 21Sep

    Can CZ Make the Jump to a Knowledge Economy?

    Panel discussion – Prague, Czech Republic

  • 07Sep

    Aspen at Future Port Prague

    Conference & Festival – Prague, Czech Republic

  • 05Sep

    Empowerment Instead of Fear: Technology and Society

    Panel Debate – Krynica, Poland

  • 07Sep

    Future of Work – Aspen Review Café

    Public Debate – Prague, Czech Republic

  • 25Aug

    Aspen Network Meeting

    Network Meeting – Czech Republic

  • 22Jun

    Germany–V4 Forum Warsaw

    Round Table – Warsaw, Poland

  • 23Jun

    In/Visible City with Teddy Cruz at reSITE

    Keynote & Discussion – Prague, Czech Republic

  • 31May

    impact ’17 – 4.0 Economy

    Conference – Krakow, Poland

  • 24May

    Kde se berou mladí extremisté? – Aspen Review Café

  • 10May

    Art Match: Český film, dovnitř a ven

    Public Debate – Prague, Czech Republic

  • 28Apr

    V4 Barcamp Hungary

    Policy meeting – Budapest, Hungary

  • 27Apr

    V4 Barcamp Czech Republic

    Policy meeting – Prague, Czech Republic

  • 20Apr

    Central European Expert Forum

    Forum – Zakopane, Poland

  • 19Apr

    Informal meeting with Jacquelline Fuller

    Fireside chat – Prague, Czech Republic

  • 18Apr

    V4 Barcamp Slovakia

    Policy meeting – Bratislava, Slovakia

  • 27Mar

    V4 Barcamp Poland

    Policy meeting – Warsaw, Poland

  • 23Mar

    Germany–V4 Forum Prague

    Round Table – Prague, Czech Republic

  • 02Mar

    Aspen Young Leaders Program – vol. I 2017

    Leadership program – Darovanský dvůr, Czech Republic

  • 24Jan

    Aspen Central European Launch Party

    Launch event – Prague, Czech Republic

  • 16Feb

    Art Match: Supporting Art in the Public Space

    Public Debate – Prague, Czech Republic

Past Events 2016

  • 30Nov

    Startups and the Digital Entrepreneur – The View from CE

    What is the CE perspective on startups and the digital entrepreneur?

  • 10Nov

    Czech Republic: The Shape We’re In | Annual conference 2016

    See the materials for the second edition of the annual conference Czech Republic: The Shape We’re In, which took place on November 10.

  • 18Oct

    Aspen Young Leaders at the Festival of Democracy

    Come and discuss leadership and the courage to take responsibility with the Aspen Young Leaders Program alumni

  • 04Oct

    Libraries in Digital Age | Aspen Review Café

    Come and discuss with us the role of libraries in the 21st century!

  • 20Sep

    Launch of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s biography with Charles Gati

    The author of the biography will come to introduce its Czech translation.

  • 18Sep

    Whose Media, Whose Interests? Ownership, Public Sphere and Online Space | Conference

    The aim of the conference is to critically reflect upon some of the main issues which currently surround debates about the performance of media in the CEE region.

  • 16Sep

    Discussion with Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky

    A unique opportunity for a discussion with a member of the U.S. House of Representatives.

  • 14Jul

    New Economy: Shared, Circular, Collaborative – Colours of Ostrava / Meltingpot

    Aspen on the Road! Take part in a discussion titled “New Economy: Shared, Circular, Collaborative” a part of Meltingpot, an international forum for the exchange of new ideas on the occasion of Colours of Ostrava.

  • 13Jul

    Aspen Review Café: Barbarians of Central Europe?

    It is our pleasure to invite you to a public debate which is a side event accompanying the eponymous issue of our Aspen Review CEE quarterly.
    We will discuss the issue of Central Europe’s role within the EU.

  • 16Jun

    Jeff Immelt in Prague: CEE could drive the next industrial revolution

    Industry and industrial competitiveness were the main topics of a unique roundtable with the GE Chairman and CEO Jeff Immelt and key regional business and industrial players.

  • 10Jun

    OPEN UP! 2016 conference

    The conference will focus on the role of culture in urban development and evaluation of cultural projects.

  • 20May

    European Economic Congress 2016 in Katowice

    We are happy to invite you to the most important economic event in Central Europe that will assemble several thousand distinguished guests.

  • 16May

    Aspen Review Café: Institutions in Crisis

    What is causing the radicalization of Europe? How can democratic institutions regain legitimacy? Is Central Europe turning toward illiberalism? Discuss in a public debate titled Institutions in Crisis!

  • 13Mar

    Aspen Young Leaders Program 2016

    Report from the 4th Edition of our flagship event for young Central and Eastern European professionals.

  • 02Mar

    Art Match: Patronage and National Gallery

    The sixth in the Art Match series discussed the challenges in financing National Gallery.

  • 26Feb

    Placemaking: Multisource financing

    Public debate about sources of financing in creative placemaking in the V4 countries.

  • 19Feb

    Creative Industries and the City: Prague, Warsaw, Budapest

    The event looks into the perspectives of creative industries, their impact on the city and their intersection with cultural strategies and financing schemes through the examples of Prague, Warsaw and Budapest.

  • 28Jan

    Supporting Start-Ups and Small Digital Enterprises in V4

    Policy meeting which discussed examples of public and private support schemes.

Past Events 2015

  • 15Sep

    Do schools teach digital thinking? Panel discussion at the Forum 2000 conference

    Renowned experts will discuss the impact of digital technology on education at the 19th annual Forum 2000 Conference.

  • 18Jul

    Aspen on the Road – Colours of Ostrava

    Join us for a debate about culture and urban development at the Colours of Ostrava music festival.

  • 16Jul

    Digital Competitiveness of the EU

    Expert policy meeting on the EU digital agenda goals taking place in Brussels.

  • 10Jul

    Aspen on the Road – Pohoda festival

    Public debate about the future of cities in Central Europe taking place at the Pohoda festival in Slovakia.

  • 07Jul

    Aspen Review Café | Germany and the EU: Who Benefits?

    Public debate accompanying the publication of the new issue of the Aspen Review Central Europe.

  • 18Jun

    reSITE 2015

    Aspen Institute Prague is the Partner of 2015 reSITE Festival. Within the conference the Institute will organize a special public debate with former Mayor of Reykjavik Jón Gnarr.

  • 18Jun

    Activists at Town Halls

    Jón Gnarr (Reykjavik), Matěj Hollan (Brno) and Peter Bročka (Trnava) in a public debate about their experiences with politics at city halls.

  • 05Jun

    Cecilia Malmström on TTIP – Public Speech

    Public speech by the European Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

  • 28Apr

    Creating Digital Agenda for Visegrad

    A policy meeting focusing on key priorities of the Visegrad Group in Digital Agenda. The event is co-organized by the Aspen Institute Prague and Central European Policy Institute.

  • 12Mar

    Aspen Young Leaders Program 2015

    Continuation of the Young Leaders Program in Low Tatras.

Past Events 2014

  • 14Nov

    Crowdfunding Visegrad – Closing Presentation

    We invite you to the presentation of results of the Crowdfunding Visegrad project. Our guests will share recommendations for individuals interested in community funding.

  • 06Nov

    OPEN UP! Creative Placemaking Festival

    A two-day festival on Creative Placemaking – a process in which partners from public, non-profit, private and community sectors join to strategically shape the urban areas around using arts and culture.

  • 14Oct

    Changing Perception of Public Space: Between Opportunity and Responsibility

    Public discussion organized within the 18th FORUM 2000 annual conference

  • 18Sep

    Praga Caput Cultura

    Aspen Institute Prague is partner organisation of the conference about the importance of culture for city development within the Street for Art 2014 festival in Prague.

  • 03Sep

    The Economy of Art

    Panel discussion organized by the Aspen Institute Prague within the Economic Forum in Krynica, Poland.

  • 11Jul

    Creative Placemaking: City, Culture, and Public Spaces

    Public debate on art and cultural activities as tools to economically and socially revive localities, cities and regions. Pohoda Festival, Trenčín airport, Slovakia.

  • 09Jun

    Aspen Annual Conference 2014

    The conference commemorated the momentous events across Central and Eastern Europe 25 years ago and the enormous geo-political changes that followed.

  • 08May

    Creative Placemaking in Public Spaces

    Panel debate organized by the Aspen Institute Prague within the European Economic Forum, Katowice.

  • 11Apr

    E-­commerce as a Driver of Competitiveness in Central European Economies

    Platform for Internet Economy (PIE) in cooperation with the Aspen Institute Prague organized its annual conference on the Internet economy.

  • 07Apr

    Central Europe: fit for the future?

    Panel discussion assessed Central Europe ten years after the EU accession and presented recommendations for the region collected in an eponymous report.

  • 14Mar

    Festival Czech Innovation

    The Aspen Institute Prague was a partner of the Festival Czech Innovation taking place on Friday, March 14 in the National Library of Technology.

  • 20Feb

    Aspen Young Leaders Program 2014

    The 2nd Edition of the Aspen Young Leaders Program took place in Tále, Low Tatras, Slovakia.

  • 11Feb

    Crowdfunding Visegrad

    Closed-door roundtable discussion launching on February 11 in Prague within the project Crowdfunding Visegrad.

  • 31Jan

    Francesco Cossiga Memorial Scholarship

    Aspen Institute Italia accepts applications for the Francesco Cossiga Memorial Scholarship, awarded in memory of the former President of the Italian Republic and former Honorary Chairman of Aspen Institute Italia.

  • 27Jan

    What did we Learn from the Economic Crisis?

    International panel discussion taking place on Monday, January 27, 2014, at 2 pm in Malostranský palác (Malostranské náměstí 25, Prague 1).

  • 05Jan

    Deadline for Aspen Young Leaders Program 2014

    If you wish to take part in the Aspen Young Leaders Program 2014, submit your CV to aylp (at) The deadline for submission is January 5, 2014.

Past Events 2013

  • 21Nov

    Crowdfunding and Entrepreneurship

    Public debate organized with Respekt weekly as part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week.

  • 09Oct

    Overcoming Barriers to Growth – Aspen Institute Prague Annual Conference

    The Aspen Institute Prague Annual Conference “Overcoming Barriers to Growth” was held on October 9 – 10, 2013 in cooperation with PRK Partners, attorneys at law.

  • 17Sep

    Transforming Cities: Towards Smart Forms of Governance

    Aspen Institute Prague will hold a public discussion at the 17th annual Forum 2000 Conference

  • 21Jun

    Euro – the Past and the Future

    Aspen Institute Prague and Prague Twenty organized the open public lecture “Euro – the Past and the Future”.

  • 20Jun


    The second annual reSITE Conference in Prague took place on June 20 – 21, 2013 at the iconic DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Prague. The world’s leading experts in urban design, architecture, planning, technology and finance convened to debate sustainable planning strategies for modern, competitive and livable cities.

  • 10Jun

    Aspen Review Central Europe

    The second 2013 issue of the quaterly magazine Aspen Review Central Europe was released on June 10, 2013.

  • 22May

    F(o)unding Culture

    Symposium organized by CZECH CENTER NEW YORK and the ASPEN INSTITUTE PRAGUE on the occasion of the Czech Center’s presidency of the European Union National Institutes for Culture in New York (EUNIC).

  • 03May

    NGO Market

    Aspen Institute Prague participated at the 14th Annual Non-profit Fair on May 3, 2013 in the National Technical Library, Prague.

  • 25Apr

    Leadership in Non-profit Sector

    Interactive Workshop of the Aspen Institute Prague at the 14th Annual NGO Market on May 3, 2013.

  • 24Apr

    Project Management 2013

    On behalf of the Aspen Institute Prague, Mr. Pepper de Callier, member of the AIP Supervisory Board and founder and Executive Director of the Prague Leadership Institute, delivered a workshop on change leadership at the Conference on Project Management 2013 in Zlin.

  • 19Apr

    GLOBSEC 2013

    Forum on security of critical infrastructure in Central Europe was organized in the framework of 8th annual Bratislava Global Security Forum GLOBSEC 2013.

  • 08Apr

    Czech Republic – Poland Economic Forum

    Aspen Institute Prague was a partner to the Czech Republic – Poland Economic Forum. The Forum was a part of the EEC Roadshow 2013 initiative – a series of economic conferences organized in the countries of the Visegrád Group.

  • 15Mar

    First Issue of Aspen Review in 2013

    The first 2013 issue of our quaterly magazine Aspen Review Central Europe was released on March 15.

  • 12Mar

    Creative Cities and Public Diplomacy

    A working policy brunch organized by the Aspen Institute Prague and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic took place on March 12.

  • 03Mar

    Aspen Institute Young Leaders Program 2013

    The 2nd Edition of the Aspen Young Leaders Program took place in the Tatra Mountains, Slovakia.

  • 12Feb

    Internet Economy

    Policy Brunch

  • 07Feb

    Why Do I Care About Politics?

    Public Debate

Past Events 2012

  • 27Nov

    Culture + Creative Industries

    Culture + is a series of projects, debates and conferences organized by EUNIC Cluster Czech Republic, aiming to explore ways in which culture contributes to wider agendas.

  • 13Nov

    Policy Makers Seminar

    Aspen Institute in Prague, International Visegrad Fund, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung together with the Slovak Foreign Policy Association, Centre for Eastern Studies, Polish Institute for International Relations, Hungarian Institute of International Affairs organized a closed-door round for policy and decision-makers.

  • 19Jul

    Aspen Prague Launch Event

    The Aspen Institute Prague commenced its operation in Central Europe with an international conference titled “Crisis as Opportunity: Europe and the United States in a Globalized World”.

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