impact ’17 – 4.0 Economy

31. May - 01. June 2017
ICE Kraków International Conferences & Entertainment – Krakow, Poland

Aspen Institute CE is partnering again with the impact ’17 – 4.0 Economy conference, the most forward-looking event unlocking the future of economy and digitalization in Central Eastern Europe.


Among the confirmed speakers you’ll find such names as Mike Butcher (TechCrunch), Timotheus Höttges (Deutsche Telekom), Mateusz Morawiecki (Ministry of Finance), Esther Wójcicki (Planet 3), Jarosław Gowin (Ministry of Science and Higher Education), Peter Carlsson (Northvolt), Anna Streżyńska (Ministry of Digital Affairs), Alexander Graubner-Mueller (Kreditech) and many more.

Why should you be there?

Impact gathers representatives from the biggest international companies with more than 800 CEOs and Founders coming. Having this in mind, at impact you’ll be able to expand critical business network, access key industry decision makers and learn to merge the technical know-how with the best business practises.

The topics and speakers are carefully curated from extensive research and feedback providing attendees a comprehensive list of technology & business-critical trends and valuable contacts in the industry.

impact’16 was fully booked, so do not forget to

register and get your impact pass!



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