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  • The War Will Not End Soon 

    Ukrainians have been linked to Russia by various ties: political, cultural and personal. But that bond is about to end. There will be a final divorce with Russia, says Prof. Yaroslav Hrytsak in an…

  • Czecho-Slovakia, a country divided thirty years ago for nothing

    On Saturday January 21st, 2023 I voluntarily headed to Forum Karlín – a concert hall situated right next to “Havel-friendly“ publishing house Economia – both as a journalist and,…

  • „Decolonized Russia”? Be careful what you wish for

    I don’t see any realistic prospects for Russia disintegration/decolonization nor any genuine wish among peoples living in Russian Federation to participate in such a scenario. To put it simply, you…

  • Kazakhstan and the West: a strategic opportunity

    Kazakhstan is a country of great strategic significance that is often overlooked. Recently, despite close relations with Putin’s Russia, it has succeeded in standing apart and above the fray. The…

  • Xi and a Closed China

    China has undergone profound changes during the past ten years. The time is gone when the “world’s factory” was preparing for the 2008 Olympics and its appearance as a new major global power on the…

  • The Return of Power Politics

    The West is having to reconsider its ambitions of promoting democracy around the world – ambitions that were behind the enlargement of NATO, over Russian objections – and to concentrate more on…

  • Tales From the Great Beyond

  • The Czech Republic Has Moved Forward to Energy Independence from Russia

    Thursday 24 February 2022 will have been etched into history. After Russian aggression against Ukraine, all reasonable people quickly came to the conclusion that Russia is not a partner for us, not…

  • Giorgi Badridze: Georgia Will Do Everything Not To Irritate Russia

    “For many years my country was a leader in reforms and getting closer to the West. Now it is trailing behind,” says Giorgi Badridze, former ambassador to Turkey and the UK, in an interview with…

  • Ukraine: The Difficult March to Victory

    The prevailing conviction in the West was that President Volodymyr Zelensky would be unable to manage the situation, and the world’s political establishment believed that he should be evacuated as…

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