Ukraine-EU: Closer Look

20. July 2022
Online event
We would like to cordially invite you to an online event: Ukraine – EU: Closer Look a conversation with our partner Aspen Institute Kyiv.

Flag: Ukraine on Facebook 13.1  It is time for EU leaders to show political leadership and courage by reaffirming the EU’s mission of promoting peace and freedom on the European continent. What is the status of Ukrainian application for EU membership?

📅 Wednesday, 20.7.2022, 🕠 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm CEST, online event

Register here

We will closely discuss the following topics:

💭 The political significance of the change in the status of Ukraine and the new contours of the EU after obtaining the status of Moldova and Ukraine.
💭 Roadmap for reforms and its implementation in wartime.
💭 EU enlargement policy and what changes can be expected from the reform of European institutions in the coming years.


🎤 Dita Charanzová, Vice-president of the European Parliament
🎤 Maria Mezentseva, Deputy Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Ukraine’s Integration
🎤 Maryna Mykhailenko, Director of the Department for the European Union and NATO, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
🎤 Ivan Štefanec, Member of the European Parliament

Opening and closing remarks:

🎤 Pavel Řehák, President, Aspen Institute CE
🎤 Yuliya Tychkivska, Executive Director, Aspen Institute Kyiv

The panel will be moderated by Ivan Hodáč, Founder and Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Aspen Institute CE.
The event is co-organized by the Aspen Institute Kyiv and the Aspen Institute CE.
Recording & report from the discussion is available here

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